Dev Log

By cyberpuffin, 21 June, 2023

Current status


  • Main menu
    • Godot's project upgrade tool
    • Signal / Connection adjustments
    • Commenting out theme and font code
  • Number fall animation works on Linux and Windows
    • `get_viewport().get_size_override()` -> `get_viewport().size`
    • OS.get_name() output changed
  • Basic game loop
    • Start new game
    • User input
    • Error checking and tracking
    • Game time tracking
    • Game finished

Non-Functioning / Unknown

  • DB Browser
  • Font
By cyberpuffin, 18 June, 2023

Motivation is a hell of a thing.  Without the time I can plan all the things in the world.  Once I have time available, it just slips through and nothing gets accomplished.

But how do you eat an elephant made out of ice cream?  One spoonful at a time.

Break it down into smaller tasks and just focus on the smaller pieces.  Don't miss the forest for the trees, but avoid paralysis by analysis.

All right, I think that busts the day's idiom quota.

By cyberpuffin, 22 May, 2023


In the MVC Architecture, the View is used to display the data from the model + controller for client viewing.  Drupal is not a traditional MVC architecture, but I do wonder if this term is a carry-over.

Show dev log posts on a page

Seems simple enough.  Show the list of posts on a single navigation page.  From there the dev log posts should be clickable to lead to the full article.

By cyberpuffin, 20 May, 2023

Drupal - Content Management System (CMS)

It's been a while since I've really managed a website directly, let alone been responsible for the content.

Drupal is more of a name I remember than a system I'm pushing to use.  Either way, Ansible and Docker Compose combine to make the LAMP stack trivial to maintain.

Getting to know the system again, I'm finding the user-experience fairly pleasant.  The more familiar I get with the vernacular, the easier it is to navigate.